It finally feels like Spring! This year hasn’t been easy for me. Writing seems like a chore these days, which is very odd for me since it’s normally my outlet. But the warm weather is revitalizing. Tuesday I got to hang out with my best friend all day. We went bike riding all around town and then I headed to the beach to take some photos at sunset. I had a good day surrounded by my favorite people and I realized this is moving forward. Just having a day and feeling happy. I went hiking with my friend the other day and it felt like the hike was never ending. She said to me, “the good thing is, every step is one step less”. I thought, aint that the truth about life in general. Sometimes getting out of bed and showing up is a good enough accomplishment. There’s no need to worry about the rest. Just show up and make another step.

On Tuesday, I leave for Coachella! I am so excited. 3 years ago, I took my first trip to Europe and met two of my favorite girls in the world. They live in Texas and we have stayed close ever since. This will be our first ever trip to Coachella and I can’t wait. My camera isn’t allowed which breaks my heart, but I am still going to blow up the gram with 25 pics.

Then when I get back, I am moving to Ocean Beach until Labor Day. Fire Island is my favorite place on the entire planet and I can’t wait! I have a lot to look forward to and a lot to keep me busy which will help me with this funk I have been living it. I’ve been out of it and I need to find a way to just put myself back together and keep on going. So here’s to new adventures.
