25 Things I Learned by 25


I wrote this list on the beach on my 25th birthday. I try my best to keep all these things in the back of my mind, sometimes I fail. I learned everything on this list by failing to do them. I’m trying.

  1. You have to keep moving forward
  2. Opinions aren’t real
  3. You are not the names that people call you
  4. Its just as important to say no to the things you don’t want as it is to say yes to the things you do
  5. We are all born with unique gifts and talents and its up to us to figure out how to utilize it
  6. You are not racing anyone. Death is the only finish line
  7. It is worse to rush into a career you are unsure about than to take extra time figuring out your soul
  8. You don’t have to say “I love you” for someone else to feel the power of those words
  9. The only time that really matters is time spent with the people you love
  10. It is okay to grow out of old friends and find new people who are more like the “you” you are now
  11. Travel everywhere.
  12. Judgment can’t and won’t kill you, but stagnancy can kill your soul and dreams
  13. Good communication and compassion are the key ingredients to sustain any relationship
  14. Be kind even when you don’t feel like it
  15. Worrying about trivial things will never move you closer to your dreams
  16. Never pass judgment or mock anyone who is trying. Period.
  17. Laughter at someone else’s expense is not funny
  18. Every race on Earth deals with a unique set of problems and prejudice. Be compassionate and understanding to their struggle and treat all people as friends.
  19. Don’t get distracted by gossip and other people’s business. It can’t move you forward.
  20. Trust your gut. “Whats right feels right. Whats wrong feels wrong.” (Thanks Dad)
  21. Always take responsibility when you’re wrong or make a mistake. Say your sorry and validate someone else’s hurt feelings
  22. Self reflection is imperative for growth. Acknowledge your flaws and strengths.
  23. You can never say I love you too many times.
  24. Everyone receives love in different ways. Figure out how someone receives love and work to make sure they know how much you love them
  25. Everything exists inside our own head and we have control whether we believe it or not. We make whats real with our mind.